Our training programs are designed specifically for you or your child from our experiences as we do not believe in using one method to teach all kinds of players. More than just the coaches doing their parts, we also hope that those parents who are serious about their child's badminton career can take a look at the Parents Agreements (Competitive).
Our Coaches are confident in coaching students with different playing styles as we often exchange tips and experiences with other coaches in various countries (e.g Thailand, Malaysia and Taiwan).
Basic Skill
Gripping of racket
Forehand High Serve
A good high serve can prevent your opponent from making an attacking shot towards you.
Clearing (Lobbing - Base Line to Base Line)
Lob properly and your opponent won’t be able to return a powerful shot.
If your clear sends the shuttle to your opponent’s baseline, it’s considered a “good” clear.
Drop Shot
It is a soft shot performed at the Rear Court.
It travels down and land at your opponent’s front court.
Net Shot
Forces your opponent to lift the shuttle high up for you.
If you can play good spinning net shots, you may win a point from it straight away.

A Good Lob

Good Net Shot